One of the most secure fiber-optic networks in Germany.

One of the most secure fiber-optic networks in Germany.

High-speed internet. Broadband. Dark fiber.


WINGAS presenting itself at the broadband forum in Rostock

The broadband forum is already being held for the second time in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania on 26 October. At the event, municipal representatives can find out about broadband expansion, make contact with expanding companies, and present innovative and effective solutions.


WINGAS LWL will also be there and will present its products and services to interested parties during the trade fair. The Kassel-based company provides local Internet service providers, regional telecommunication service providers or municipal utilities with direct access to telecommunication nodes thanks to its own fiber optic network. Numerous customers in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania are already using this access to the fast WINGAS backbone and can thus offer their private and business customers powerful broadband connections.


More information:

Your contact person

Britta Jäger-Ernst

Königstor 20

34117 Kassel

Phone.: +49 (0) 561 99858-1446

E-Mail: britta.jaeger-ernst[at]