One of the most secure fiber-optic networks in Germany.

One of the most secure fiber-optic networks in Germany.

High-speed internet. Broadband. Dark fiber.


Fiber-optic cabling bringing faster Internet to rural regions

WINGAS is presenting its fiber-optic network at the BREKO fiber-optic trade fair


Fast data connections are still not available throughout Germany. This is the case particularly in rural regions - so-called blind spots. "Connecting to our backbone network provides an alternative for reaching the next Internet exchange," as Ulrich Burchert, Head of Telecommunications at WINGAS, explains. "We have been leasing fiber-optic capacities across Germany from what is now a 7,000-kilometer-long Germany-wide network of fiber-optic cables for around 20 years," Burchert went on to say.


Interested parties can find out about the offerings from WINGAS LWL at the BREKO fiber-optic trade fair in Frankfurt from April 25 to 26.


More information:


Your contact person

Michael Cremer Königstor 20 34117 Kassel Phone: +49 (0) 561 99858-1950
E-Mail: michael.cremer[at]
Oliver Marker Königstor 20 34117 Kassel Phone: +49 (0) 561 99858-2378
E-Mail: oliver.marker[at]